Valamar riviera D.D.

Cookie policy


Valamar Riviera d.d., with its headquarters in Poreč, Stancija Kaligari 1, OIB: 3620122847 (hereinafter: VALAMAR RIVIERA) as the processing manager of personal data respects the privacy of every person from whom it collects data. We would like to inform you that we use cookies and other technologies on our website to provide you with a better user experience. Through cookies, VALAMAR RIVIERA as a data controller can also collect personal data under the conditions described in this Cookie Policy.

Please find all other information about the protection of personal data in the VALAMAR Privacy Policy.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small data file that is stored on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website, in order to enable the basic or additional functionality of those pages.

You can find more about cookies on the following pages:

What cookies do we use?

VALAMAR RIVIERA uses different types of cookies:

Cookies by function

Necessary cookies - they are necessary for the functioning of the website, which cannot function without them. This means that a website cannot be opened or displayed without these cookies. These cookies are used for the purpose of transmitting communication or are necessary to provide an information society service that is explicitly required of the user of such service. Also, these cookies enable basic analysis of web pages with the aim of improving the work of web pages through data that is completely anonymized, i.e. not based on your personal data or data that can be linked to you in any way. These cookies do not need and do not require your consent.

Functional cookies - they are used to perform a more advanced analysis of the work of web pages. These cookies are used to analyze user behavior and based on the anonymous data can determine what website visitors view and want, so VALAMAR RIVIERA is then able to customize the website and make its content and functionality as easy to use. These cookies require your consent.

Advertising cookies - they are used to analyze your interests and wishes, and they serve the purpose of informing about special and personalized offers, news and events organized through online channels (e-mail, internet, internet promotion). These cookies require your consent.

Cookies by source

First party cookies come from the Internet site you are viewing, and can be permanent or temporary. With these cookies, Internet sites can store data that will be used again the upon the next visit to the internet site.

Third party cookies Third party cookies come from other Internet sites, which are located on the Internet site you are viewing. With these cookies, other Internet sites can track Internet usage on the Internet site you are viewing for marketing or analytical purposes.

Cookies by duration

Persistent cookies - Persistent or saved cookies remain on your computer after you close your Internet browser program. They help Internet sites store information, such as login and password, language settings, or cookie settings, so you don't have to re-enter them each time you visit. Persistent cookies can stay on your computer or mobile device for days, months, even years.

Temporary cookies Temporary cookies or session cookies are removed from your computer when you close your internet browser. They use Internet sites to store temporary information, such as the last few pages you opened on the Internet site you visited, or items in your shopping cart if you are on an Internet site that specializes in Internet sales.

List of cookies

Necessary cookies
